Online renewal will be available soon. All licensees will be notified via email when online renewal for the 2025-2026 license period has launched.
Reminder: All licensees* must report 12 hours of continuing education with their online renewal, due by June 30, 2025. *New licensees by examination are exempt from the CE requirement for their first renewal.
Applications for reinstatement of a geology license must be accompanied by a $150 application fee. The annual license fee of $85 must also be paid to return the license to active status.
Reinstatement applicants must provide a statement explaining why the license was allowed to lapse.
Applicants must also show proof of 12 hours of Board-approved continuing education, completed in the year prior to their return to active status, as per 21 NCAC 21 .0400. See the Continuing Education page for more information on what activities meet the requirements.
A North Carolina licensed geologist, whose license is in good standing, may request inactive status for a period of up to five years. An inactive licensee may not publicly practice geology in North Carolina nor certify documents with his or her seal. Inactive licensees are not required to complete the annual license renewal or fulfill the continuing education requirements. CE will be required in order to return the license to active status.
To request inactive status, please submit a written letter to the Board. Requests can be submitted via mail or email.
Applications for corporate license reinstatement must be accompanied by a $10 application fee. The $25 annual license fee along with a $50 late fee must be paid before the license can return to active status.
Before the NCBLG can change the name of the firm, the name of the firm must be properly changed with the NC Secretary of State’s Office. Please submit a copy of the appropriate documentation with this application. A newly formed company must make application for a corporate license and must meet the requirements of NC GS§55B.
You may change the Licensed Geologist in Charge for your firm as long as the person is a properly licensed in North Carolina, is a full time employee of the firm and is not the responsible geologist in charge for another firm. The licensee must meet the requirements of NC GS§55B. Documentation must be submitted with this form to certify that the licensee meets those requirements.