August 26, 2016

Conference Call Board Meeting (8/26/2016)

Meeting Minutes and Notes

NC Board for Licensing of Geologists

Conference Call Minutes

August 26, 2016

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am by Board Chair Rick Kolb.  Others present included Rick Garrett, Bill Miller, John Stevens, Kenneth Taylor, Barbara Geiger, Executive Director, and Mary Lucasse, Board Counsel. Dr. Taylor noted that, as the State Geologist and employee of the NC Department of Environmental Quality, he would refrain from participating in the deliberation or taking any action by the Board with respect to any matter involving an employee of the Department.

It was noted that the reason for the meeting was to discuss progress made on investments, the subcontracting statement, the survey regarding continuing education and investigations.

Mr. Stevens has continued to research interest rates and investment options and Suntrust Bank continues to have the highest yield.  He noted that the Board currently has a CD at Suntrust that will mature on October 27, 2016, before the next meeting of the Board, and that something must be done within ten days of that date or it will roll over at current interest rates.  Mr. Stevens informed the Board that he and Mrs. Geiger would be meeting with the financial advisor at Suntrust prior to the October 27th date.  Dr. Miller made the motion to put the money in the current CD into a money market account and that Mr. Stephens present his findings regarding investments at the November 15th meeting of the board, where a decision will be made regarding future investment of the funds.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Garrett and carried with one opposed.

The subcontracting statement was discussed.  Ms. Lucasse informed the Board that the statement was approved by a committee of the  Board in 2013, but it has not been formally adopted by the full Board.  There have been recent instances where a NC licensed geologist has worked with an unlicensed firm.  The subcontracting statement would be helpful in providing guidance to the Licensees, the Executive Director, Board members and the public. The document could be posted on the Board website, once adopted.  Mr. Kolb suggested that the statement could be sent to all licensees as an email blast or as part of a newsletter.  The document could also be sent to regulatory agencies and unlicensed firms who have been complained about in the past.  There should be a summary statement.  Mary Lucasse will work with Rick Kolb to write this statement to be presented at the November meeting.  Mr. Kolb suggested that the document might be placed on the AEG website and sent to that membership.

Kenneth Taylor reported that the Continuing Education (“CE”) survey was ready to disseminate.  Following review, Rick Garrett made the motion to approve the survey and to include exam candidates and those who have an application in process.  Rick Kolb suggested that the opening statement include information from the EPA statement regarding the development of the Coal Ash Disposal Rule. The statement asserted that only qualified professional engineers possess the expertise and authority to certify compliance with the technical requirements of the rule. Ms. Lucasse was asked to send the email regarding the matter from the Kentucky Chapter of AIPG to Ms. Geiger so that she can forward to Board members.  The CE survey can then be revised for approval at the November meeting of the Board.  Mr. Kolb made some suggestions for revising the email relating to the question regarding an exemption for retired or inactive geologists and for the last question regarding approval of activities sponsored by national providers.

Ms. Lucasse recommended that the Board Chair appoint a Committee on Investigations.  Mr. Garrett made the motion to establish the Committee on Investigations to review the Board’s current investigation process and to recommend changes in the procedure to the full Board.  The motion was seconded by Dr. Taylor and carried.

The next meeting of the Board is scheduled for November 15, 2016 at ECU in Greenville, NC.  Dr. Taylor will secure a van to carpool from the Board office.

There being no further business, on motion and second, the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Geiger

Executive Director