August 11, 2021
Board Meeting - 9:00 am - Application Review - Deadline to submit August 4, 2021
North Carolina Board for Licensing of Geologists
Minutes • August 11, 2021 • 9:30 a.m.
Virtual Meeting held by Zoom
Call to Order/Conflict of Interest Statement/Welcome and Introductions
The meeting was called to order at 9:45 a.m. by Board Chair Steve Stadelman. Other Board members present included Rachel Kirkman, Dennis LaPoint, Richard Spruill and Kenneth Taylor. Robert Mensah-Biney was unable to attend. Executive Director Barbara Geiger, staff member Jenna Miller and Board Counsel Sarah Zambon were also present. Dr. Stadelman read the Conflict of Interest Statement as required by the State Government Ethics Act. Dr. Taylor noted that, as the State Geologist and employee of the NC Department of Environmental Quality, he would refrain from participating in the deliberation or taking any action by the Board with respect to any matter involving an employee of the Department. A quorum was established.
Working Session
Application Review
Per NCGS § 143-318.11(6), motion was made by Dr. Taylor, seconded by Dr. LaPoint and carried, to move into closed session to review applications.
Motion was made by Dr. Taylor and seconded by Dr. Lapoint to resume the open session. The motion carried.
Motion was made by Dr. LaPoint to accept those actions taken by the Board in closed session regarding applications for examination, comity, reinstatement and corporate license. The motion was seconded by Dr. Taylor and carried unanimously.
There being no further business, on motion by Dr. Spruill and second by Dr. LaPoint, the meeting was adjourned at 11:39 am.
Respectfully submitted:
Kenneth Taylor, Secretary/Treasurer