April 17, 2018
Board Meeting (4/17/2018)
Meeting Minutes and Notes
North Carolina Board for Licensing of Geologist
April 17, 2018
NC State Board of Examiners of Plumbing, Heating and Fire Sprinkler Contractors Raleigh, NC
The meeting was called to order at 10:25 am by Board Chair Rick Kolb. Mr. Kolb read the conflict of interest statement. Other Board members present included Bill Miller, John Stevens, Steve Miller, Rick Garrett and Kenneth Taylor. Executive Director Barbara Geiger and Board Counsel Mary Lucasse were also present. Dr. Taylor noted that, as the State Geologist and employee of the NC Department of Environmental Quality, he would refrain from participating in the deliberation or taking any action by the Board with respect to any matter involving an employee of the Department.
Welcome and Introductions
Approval of Minutes
Motion to approve the minutes of the January 17, 2018 meeting was made by Dr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Garrett and carried. Motion to approve the minutes of the March 8, 2018 CE Committee conference call meeting was made by Mr. Garrett, seconded by Mr. Kolb and carried.
Financial Report
Dr. Taylor presented the first quarter profit and loss statement and balance sheet. Motion was made by Steve Miller to accept the financial report. The motion was seconded by John Stevens and carried.
Administrative Report
Ms. Geiger reported that there are currently 1370 active individual licenses and 252 active corporate licenses.
Ms. Geiger reported that she had received an offer from a licensee to proctor the exam if needed.
The Board was shown the law awareness giveaways, including pint glasses, coasters and koozies that will be used at trade shows attended by Board members and staff.
Board reappointment and replacements were discussed. Ms. Geiger informed the Board that she had been in contact with the Governor’s office but that no progress had been made.
Legal Report
Ms. Lucasse reported that there is no legislative update since the General Assembly does not meet again until May.
Ms. Lucasse reported on the request for comments from Jessica Montie with NC DEQ regarding Septage Management Rules, noting that the rules are consistent with other similar rules wherein soil scientists and engineers are included and geologists are included if necessary. Board members were asked to review the rules and to respond to the Executive Director with comments. Ms. Geiger will share the comments with Ms. Lucasse. Dr. Miller made a motion that was seconded by Rick Garrett authorizing counsel and the Board’s Executive Director to forward a response to Ms. Montie based on the comments received.
As part of the required annual Board training per NCGS §93B-5(g), Ms. Lucasse educated Board members on Article 33C Meetings of Public Bodies.
Per NC GS § 143-318.11(6), motion was made by Dr. Taylor to move into closed session. The motion was seconded by John Stevens and carried. The Board resumed the open session.
Discussion regarding continuing education was moved ahead of ASBOG® matters on the agenda.
Continuing Education
Mr. Garrett reported that the CE Committee had reviewed 45 items and had approved 36 as requested, approved 6 with a change in the number of hours requested and denied one activity. There was one activity that was deferred for further information and one appeal that was reviewed. There was discussion regarding the pre-approved list of providers.
Ms. Geiger was asked to invite all Board members to view the CE applications in DropBox and going forward to include the spreadsheet for the Board’s review.
Mr. Garrett made the motion to accept the recommendations of the Committee. The motion was seconded by Dr. Miller and approved unanimously.
The appeal by licensee Jonathan Gerst regarding the Board’s decision to deny his continuing education request, as the activity was not geological in nature, was discussed. Mr. Garrett made the motion that Mr. Gerst’s request for reconsideration be denied on the grounds that the activity was not geological in nature. The motion was seconded by Mr. Miller and carried.
A request by a licensee for an exemption for continuing education was reviewed and denied by the Board. Ms. Geiger was asked to inform the licensee that he could request Inactive Status until his return to the United States.
Rick Kolb reported on the ASBOG® Council of Examiners Meeting (COE), noting that ASBOG® is looking for volunteers to write questions for the exam.
Ms. Geiger shared the ASBOG® 2018 Call for Nominations of Candidate of Secretary.
The letter submitted by the American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG) was reviewed by the Board. Ms. Geiger was asked to write a response letter for final review and approval by Ms. Lucasse, informing the AIPG that the NC Board for Licensing of Geologists would not support the proposed new membership category titled “Nationally Accredited Professional Geologist”.
Old Business
Ms. Lucasse reported how to calculate mileage reimbursement based on the IRS rate. Ms. Geiger was asked to update the letter from the Board Chair regarding reimbursements and to contact the Office of State Budget and Management to confirm the mileage rate.
The 2018 GSA Southeastern Section 67th Annual Meeting held in Knoxville, Tennessee April 11-13, 2018 was attended by Dr. Miller and Dr. Taylor. In addition, former Board member Bill Harris was asked to attend on behalf of the Board. Discussion followed regarding the conference and trade show.
Mr. Kolb led the discussion regarding a possible reunion of past and present Board members. Mr. Kolb suggested an event to be held this Fall. He indicated that he would chair a Social Committee and would be willing to spearhead the event. Ms. Geiger was asked to send Mr. Kolb a list of past and present members of the Board. Dr. Taylor and Mr. Garrett agreed to assist Mr. Kolb.
New Business
The Board discussed well installation and considered whether determining groundwater flow as part of this procedure is included in the practice of geology. After some discussion, the Board agreed that although engineers may be responsible for quality control during the well installation, there is an overlapping scope of work and a licensed geologist may be required to assess the site conditions and determine groundwater flow.
Per NC GS § 143-318.11(6), motion was made by Dr. Taylor to move into closed session. The motion was seconded by John Stevens and carried.
On motion by Dr. Taylor and second by Dr. Miller, the Board resumed the open session.
It was decided that Ms. Geiger would send a poll to the CE Committee and to include Board members regarding the next date for the CE Committee and Board Conference Calls. The Committee will meet in late to mid-May and the Board will meet in early July.
There being no further business, on motion and second the meeting was adjourned at approximately 3:45 pm.
Respectfully submitted:
Dr. Kenneth B. Taylor, P.G. -- Secretary/Treasurer