April 15, 2014
Board Meeting (4/15/2014)
Meeting Minutes and Notes
NC Board for Licensing of Geologists
April 15, 2014
Upton Associates, Raleigh, NC
The meeting was called to order at 9:22 am by Chair Lindsey Walata. Others present included Rick Kolb, Bill Miller, Bob Remsburg, John Stevens, Kenneth Taylor, Barbara Geiger, Board Administrator and Phillip Reynolds, Board Counsel. Ms. Walata read the conflict of interest statement. Dr. Taylor noted that, as the State Geologist and employee of the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources, he will refrain from participating in the deliberation or taking any action by the Board with respect to any application for licensing submitted by an employee of the Department. Ms. Walata and Dr. Miller noted that there may be a disciplinary matter before the Board, from which they will have to recuse themselves.
Welcome and Introductions
Approval of Minutes
Following review of the minutes of the January 7, 2014 meeting of the Board, motion was made by Ken Taylor, seconded by Bill Miller to accept the minutes with edits. The motion carried. Bob Remsburg made the motion to approve the conference call minutes of March 5, 2014. The motion was seconded by Ken Taylor and carried. Barbara Geiger was asked to send the minutes out to Board members within 7 days of the meeting. Following discussion, it was decided that Board members would print their own copies of the meeting agenda and minutes to conserve paper and costs. Barbara Geiger will have a few copies made for each meeting.
Financial Report
Following discussion of Certificates of Deposit and rates, motion was made by Bill Miller that the treasurer proceed with assistance from the administrator to purchase CDs at two different banks and to ladder them. The motion was seconded by Kenneth Taylor and carried. Ken Taylor made the motion to accept the financial report as presented. The motion was seconded by Mr. Remsburg and carried.
Ms. Walata noted that Bill Harris and Dennis LaPoint represented the Board at the ASBOG Spring Workshop/TAS Workshop in Buffalo, NY. She reviewed Dr. Harris’ written report. Board members each received a copy. Ms. Walata noted that the ASBOG Task Analysis Survey would be done in 2015 and that Board members may receive a copy of the survey to complete.
Dr. Miller, Mr. Kolb, Mr. Stevens and Dr. Taylor reported on the SE GSA meeting and booth in Blacksburg, Virginia. It was noted that there was great participation and that NC was the only State Board represented. Board members participated in mentoring lunches. It was decided that regular participation in SE GSA meetings is a worthwhile investment of time and resources. Rick Kolb suggested inviting other State Boards to participate with the NC Board and ASBOG. Dr. Miller suggested that it may be effective for Board members to contact licensed geologists in other states and invite them to invite their State Board to participate.
Old Business
Records Retention
Mr. Remsburg will assist Barbara Geiger in writing an RFP for scanning and storage of records.
Communications/Email Blasts
Barbara Geiger noted that the first email communication will go out advising licensees when online renewal is up and running. Ms. Geiger will also inquire of licensees regarding the method that they would like to receive information from the Board. The topics and assignments from the March conference call meeting were reviewed. Barbara Geiger noted that she had received a couple of articles from Mr. Kolb. Dr. Taylor will write the article on the Board’s participation in the SE GSA conference.
NC Mining and Energy Commission Update
Dr. Taylor noted that the commission is completing the proposed rules to be presented to the Rules Review Commission and that the Commission continues to meet on a regular basis.
New Business
Upton Associates Contract
The Administrator left the meeting so that the Board could discuss renewal of the contract. Motion was made by Kenneth Taylor to approve the requested increase to $5000 per month for management of the Board for a one-year period retroactive to January 1, 2014 and that the Board delegate authority to the Board chair to enter into contract on behalf of the Board. The motion was seconded by John Stevens and carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Dr. Taylor and seconded by John Stevens to move into closed session per § 143-318.11(a).
Motion was made by Kenneth Taylor, and seconded by Rick Kolb to refer Case No. G-13-042 to the Office of Administrative Hearings per 21 NCAC 21 .0502(b).
Kenneth Taylor made the motion to approve the applications for exam, comity, corporate and reinstatement as presented. The motion was seconded by Bill Miller and carried.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:15 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
John Stevens
Secretary Treasurer