November 6, 2013
Board Meeting (11/6/2013)
Board Meeting
UNC Chapel Hill - Geology Department
November 6, 2013
Meeting Minutes and Notes
NC Board for Licensing of Geologists
November 6, 2013
106 Mitchell Hall – UNC Chapel Hill, NC
Call to Order/Welcome/Introductions
The meeting was called to order at 10:10 am by Board chair Lindsey Walata. Others present included Bill Harris, Rick Kolb, Bob Remsburg, John Stevens and Ken Taylor. Board Counsel Phillip Reynolds and Board Administrator Barbara Geiger were also present. Upton Associates staff member Carlton Geiger and several students in the Geology program at UNC-CH were also in attendance during the meeting.
Approval of Minutes
Following the welcome and introductions, the minutes of the August 14, 2013 meeting were reviewed. Motion was made by Ken Taylor and seconded by Bill Harris to approve the minutes. The motion carried unanimously.
Financial Report
The first quarter financial reports were reviewed by the Board. On motion by Bob Remsburg and second by Ken Taylor, the financial reports were accepted. The 2011 and 2012 audits were reviewed. There was discussion regarding investments. John Stevens and Barbara Geiger will investigate rates and options for investments and report to the Board at the January 2014 meeting. Motion was made by Ken Taylor and seconded by Rick Kolb to accept the 2011 and 2012 auditor reports. The motion carried.
Administrative Report and Legal Update
Barbara Geiger reported that there are currently 1343 active individual licensees and 235 corporate licensees. She reported that 21 candidates took the ASBOG examination on October 4, 2013. Of those 21 candidates, 18 sat for Part One and 10 sat for Part Two. These numbers include one courtesy proctor for Texas and one ADA candidate who took the examination at the Board office.
Board Counsel Phillip Reynolds reported that there are no pending legal issues for discussion. Mr. Reynolds gave the Board an overview of lobbying as it pertains to Board members. The basic rule is that Board members cannot lobby using their position on the Board.
Bill Harris reported on the October 30-November 2, 2013 ASBOG Council of Examiners meeting and Fall workshop. Dr. Harris volunteered for the ASBOG committee which reviewed new questions for submission on future exams. Because of this, Dr. Harris did not participate by taking the October 2013 ASBOG exam. Dr. Harris reported that there were questions on the October examination where the graphics were a problem and that 10% of the questions were submitted by one individual. Jack Warner, Psychometrician said that this new committee was the biggest thing that had happened regarding the exam in 15 years. Dr. Harris indicated that it was a very good and productive meeting.
Dennis LaPoint submitted a written report and Lindsey Walata gave an overview of his report. She noted that Richard Spruill will attend the January meeting to update the Board on ASBOG issues. Four schools are using Part One of the examination as an exit examination and to share statistics with other higher learning institutions.
Old Business
Phillip Reynolds reported on the Advisory Subcontracting Statement. The statement has been presented to the Board and to the sub-committee and is now in the final format, following technical corrections. Mr. Reynolds pointed out that it is not necessary that an advisory statement be approved as a rule of the Board. Rick Kolb asked how the statement would be distributed. Lindsey Walata suggested that an email be sent to all interested parties regarding several subjects, including the new website, an inquiry regarding the preferred method of communication from the Board, the fact that the subcontracting advisory statement is available on the new site, and an invitation to submit photos for possible future use on the site. Mr. Remsburg made the motion to accept the draft of the advisory opinion as corrected and to empower the Board chair and Board counsel to develop the system and put into format for publication. The motion was seconded by Dr. Harris and carried.
Barbara Geiger reported that the new website had been launched. Dr. Taylor noted that there was some difficulty with accessing the website using operating systems other than Internet Explorer 7. There was discussion regarding periodic inclusion of new photos, as well as potential use of photos on the website which may be provided by random individuals, as noted above. The suggestion was made to post a paragraph on that site that any submitting individual must accept that they are not violating copyright and that photos are for public consumption and that credit be given for those who submit. Mr. Remsburg will contact archives and history for historical pictures that could be used.
Records retention
Barbara informed the Board that she has calls out to three companies regarding digitizing of records and will report in January. She also must review the policy per the minutes of the last meeting. Barbara was asked to research detail on scanning of historical and current records and the cost of storage. It was suggested that documents posted on the site be non-scannable and/or non-searchable.
It was decided that the Board would no longer publish a newsletter but would use email and take advantage of the website as a means of communication. This will be part of the email communication to licensees, with requests for their thoughts/comments.
NC Mining and Energy Commission
Kenneth Taylor gave the Mining and Energy Commision update noting that there are many meetings scheduled in 2014. Mr. Taylor shared with the Board that the Commission faces the same issues as before with a concern regarding leaving geologists out. The Commission has been asked to research the possibility of adding licensed geologists to the rules and the law. This must be done by 2014. The Permitting report and how it will be handled at NCDENR is a current hot topic on the Commission. Dr. Taylor noted that a “one shop, one stop, one document” which is the desired outcome, will require changes in the law.
Board Member reappointments
Barbara Geiger has contacted the Governor’s office, but has not heard back as of this meeting.
Lindsey Walata called for recess for lunch and to meet with the UNC Chapel Hill Geology students, and with no objection the meeting adjourned at 11:57 am. Dr. Drew Coleman of UNC-Chapel Hill hosted the lunch meeting. The Board provided lunch for approximately 25 students, and presented information on licensure. Dr. Taylor had to leave the meeting for an emergency.
Peer Reviewers
Barbara Geiger has prepared a letter to go to past Board members, requesting their participation as peer reviewers and/or investigators, for review by the Board chair and Board Counsel. The letter was approved and will be sent to past Board members and current peer review committee members.
Application for license by education and experience in lieu of ASBOG exam
The Board discussed the law and rules of the Board as it relates to granting a license to individuals who have many years of experience and education, but who have not taken and passed the ASBOG examination or an exam of similar level of difficulty. Phillip Reynolds noted that there are two ways to become licensed by statute – i.e., by Comity or by 89-E - minimum qualifications. There was discussion and suggestions regarding the possibility of creating an examination that could be taken by those in academia. Following a lengthy discussion, it was determined that the current rules do not provide flexibility for granting licensure under circumstances other than those cited by Phillip.
New Business
The Southeastern GSA Meeting Blacksburg, VA – April 10-11, 2014 was discussed. Bill Harris asked if the Board would be interested in sharing a booth with ASBOG for the trade show. Motion was made by Dr. Harris to participate and seconded by Rick Kolb. Following a brief discussion, the motion carried. Barbara Geiger will contact Sam Christiano and inquire regarding participation by other State Boards.
Laura Wagner, director of undergraduate studies, UNC-CH joined the meeting.
NCDENR State Lead RFP, Removal, Assessment, Remediation of Leaking USTs
Phillip Reynolds gave an overview of the issue and clarified the RFP. It was noted that the selecting criteria is noted in the full RFP.
2014 Meeting Schedule
Barbara Geiger presented the tentative Board meeting schedule for 2014. Board meeting dates have been scheduled as follows: January 7, 2014, April 15, 2014, August 12, 2014 and November 18, 2014. All meetings will be held at the Board office with the exception of the November meeting which will be held at NCSU. Rick Kolb will coordinate with the University. Motion to accept the meeting schedule as amended was made by Rick Kolb, seconded by Dr. Harris and carried.
Lindsey Walata asked the Board to take note that the Annual Election of Officers will take place at the January 2014 meeting.
On motion by Dr. Harris and second by Rick Kolb, the Board moved into closed session at 2:06 pm.
Applications were reviewed by the Board. Motion to approve the applications as presented and approved by Board members was made by Rick Kolb, seconded by John Stevens and carried.
Motion to return to open session was made by Dr. Harris. Mr. Remsburg seconded and the motion carried.
Motion to adjourn was made by Dr. Harris and was accepted without objection. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 2:52 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
John Stevens
Secretary Treasurer